PERSONNEL POLICY – Adopted April 2024


Full and Part-time Employment
The Board of Trustees recognizes full-time salaried, full-time hourly, and part-time employees.

Library Director
The Library Director is a full-time salaried employee. Duties are detailed under Article VIII of the Suttons Bay Bingham District Library Board of Trustees Bylaws

Full-Time Salaried Employees
Full-time salaried employees will enter into contractual agreements with the Library detailing precise conditions of employment. The contracts will be reviewed, amended as necessary and signed annually. Full weight of prevailing economic conditions at the Library will be given priority when considering initial and following annual employment compensation.

They will be entitled to paid holidays, vacation, personal time, health/dental/vision insurance, and, when vested, participation in a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plan.

Paid Holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve Day, and Christmas Day.

Vacation and Personal Time:  Upon completing 90 days of continuous employment a full time salaried employee is entitled to five (5) days of vacation and ten (10) days personal time for the remainder of the first year (ending June 30).  Thereafter:

2 years: Vacation 2 weeks, Personal Time 10 days
3 years: Vacation 3 weeks, Personal Time 10 days
4+ years: Vacation 4 weeks, Personal Time 10 days

Unused vacation and personal time may be carried over from one fiscal year to the next, subject to a maximum accumulation of 40 hours; any unused PTO above 40 hours at the end of the fiscal year will be forfeited. A maximum of 40 hours of accumulated PTO will be paid upon termination of employment at the employee’s current rate of compensation.

Health/Dental/Vision Insurance: Group health/dental/vision insurance will be provided by the Library with a percentage of the premium paid by the full-time salaried employee, as stated in their contract.

Simplified Employee Pension (SEP): Upon completion of 90 days of employment the full-time salaried employee will be eligible for participation in a SEP program, details of which to be determined at the time. Consideration will be given to retroactivity from the date of employment.

Full-Time Hourly Employees
Full-time hourly employees with 32 or more hours per week will sign annual employment agreements that detail conditions of employment and compensation.  They will be required to complete appropriate time sheets and be paid every two weeks.

They will be entitled to paid time off, health/dental/vision insurance, and, when vested, participation in a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plan.

Paid Time Off (PTO): A full-time hourly employee will earn 1.75 hours of PTO for every 20 hours worked for the remainder of the first year (ending June 30).  All Thereafter:

2 years: 1.75 hours of PTO earned for every 20 hours worked
3 years: 2.125 hours of PTO earned for every 20 hours worked
4+ years: 2.5 hours of PTO earned for every 20 hours worked

All time off shall be planned and with approval of the Library Director. PTO must be taken in increments of one hour or greater. Unused PTO may be carried over from one fiscal year to the next, subject to a maximum accumulation of 40 hours; any unused PTO above 40 hours at the end of the fiscal year will be forfeited. A maximum of 40 hours of accumulated PTO will be paid upon termination of employment at the employee’s current rate of compensation.

Health/Dental/Vision Insurance: Group health/dental/vision insurance will be provided by the Library with a percentage of the premium paid by the full-time hourly employee, as stated in their employment agreement.

Simplified Employee Pension (SEP): Upon completion of 90 days of employment the full-time hourly employee will be eligible for participation in a SEP program, details of which to be determined at the time.  Consideration will be given to retroactivity from the date of employment.

Part-Time Employees
Part-time employees will sign annual employment agreements that detail conditions of employment and compensation. They will be required to complete appropriate time sheets and be paid every two weeks. They will be entitled to paid time off.

Paid Time Off (PTO): Part-time employees will earn 1.75 hours of paid time off for every 20 hours worked.

PTO must be taken in increments of one hour or greater. The Director will approve PTO through time recorded on the employee’s timesheet. Unused PTO may be carried over from one fiscal year to the next, subject to a maximum accumulation of 40 hours; any unused PTO above 40 hours at the end of the fiscal year will be forfeited. A maximum of 40 hours of accumulated PTO will be paid upon termination of employment at the employee’s current rate of compensation.

These policies are not intended to create an employment contract between the employee and the Library.

Either the employee or the Library can terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice.  This employment relationship exists regardless of any other written statements or policies contained in the manual or any other Library documents or any verbal statement to the contrary.

Upon resignation of a position, the employee is requested to submit a letter of resignation two weeks or more before his/her last day of work or according to contract agreement.  The letter should be addressed to the Board of Trustees and given to the Director.  A resigning employee is also required to return to the Director any keys or other Library property in his/her possession.  Arrangements for the final paycheck should be made with the Director or Treasurer of the Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees is responsible for hiring and discharging the Library Director.  Recommendation for selection and the supervision of other employees are the responsibility of the Director, subject to the approval of the Board.

The Library Director may fill previously authorized part-time positions without Board approval.  Full-time employees must be approved by the Board.

The Library will employ, retain, promote, terminate, and otherwise treat all employees and job applicants on the basis of merit, qualifications, and competence. Employment decisions will not be based on a person’s race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information or any other protected group as defined by the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Job vacancies will be announced to employees before or simultaneously with advertising to the general public. Interviewing and selection criteria will be in accordance with the requirements of the job and will be the same for all applicants. The person hired will be the qualified applicant best suited to the job requirements in the judgment of the Trustees.

The minimum age of employment will be 16 years of age. All employees and volunteers will be required to participate in a professional, certified background check.

Each new employee must fill out several forms:

  • I-9 form, which proves eligibility for employment in the United States (required within 3 days of employment)
  • W4 form, which determines the amount to be deducted from the paycheck for Federal Income Tax
  • MI-W4, which determines the amount to be deducted from the paycheck for State Income Tax
  • State of MI New Hire reporting form
  • Each employee under the age of 18 must obtain a Work Permit from his/her school site
  • Direct deposit authorization form (preferred)

New employees will have an orientation period of up to six months during which they will be introduced to the Library and their own job. The employee will be given a written job description, training as needed, and the opportunity to become familiar with the Library’s mission, services and policies during the orientation period. During this time, the supervisor will be evaluating job performance and helping the employee to solve any job-related problems.

The performance appraisal is the process which evaluates job performance. It provides an opportunity to consider the quality of the employee’s work, gives recognition for commendable work, shows where improvement or change is required, indicates progress, and formulates goals for the future.

In addition to on-going discussions between the employee and Director, and between Director and Trustees about job performance, each employee will have an annual performance appraisal which will include both a written review and an opportunity for discussion.  

An employee has the right to request the Director to allow him/her to inspect his/her own personnel file. Otherwise the file is private and may be reviewed only by the Director or as required by law. The Library Director’s file and employees’ files may be opened by Board action.

The conduct of each Library employee while fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of his/her position should reflect favorably on the employee and the Library.

The dress and appearance of employees while at work should show respect for other employees and the public and be appropriate for their job.

It is important that employees be at work on time and work until the scheduled time.  Disciplinary action may be taken when tardiness and/or absenteeism cause inconvenience to the Library. The Director must be notified when time cannot be worked as scheduled. An unauthorized and unreported absence of two days may result in dismissal.

To ensure a safe and productive work environment, the Library prohibits the use, purchase, sale, possession, transfer or being under the influence of any non-medically prescribed, controlled drugs or alcohol during work time. An employee using any drug which might in any way affect job performance should report this to the Director.

The political beliefs, activities and party affiliation of employees are private. The Library will not request employees to participate or contribute to political parties or groups, and employees may not engage in political activities or campaigning during working hours.

Extended family/medical leave provides eligible employees up to 12 work weeks of unpaid leave a year, and requires group health benefits to be maintained during the leave as if employees continued to work instead of taking leave. Employees are also entitled to return to their same or an equivalent job at the end of their leave.

To be eligible the employee must have worked for the Library for a minimum of 12 months, and have accrued at least 1,250 work hours, not paid or unpaid time off, during the 12 months prior to the start of leave.

The eligible employee may take extended family/medical leave for one or more of the following reasons:

  • for the birth of a child, and to bond with the newborn child
  • for the placement with the employee of a child for adoption or foster care, and to bond with that child
  • to care for an immediate family member (spouse, child, or parent – but not a parent “in-law”) with a serious health condition
  • to take medical leave when the employee is unable to work because of a serious health condition
  • for exigencies arising out of the fact that the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent is on active duty or call to active duty status as a member of the National Guard, Reserves, or Regular Armed Forces.

An employee seeking to use extended family/medical leave must provide notice to their supervisor as soon as practicable. An employee must provide sufficient information for their supervisor to reasonably determine if extended family/medical leave applies to the leave request.

If the employee has one work week of paid personal time or earned paid time off available, it must be used during the extended family/medical leave period. Any additional paid vacation/personal time or paid time off available to the employee may be used during the extended family/medical leave at their discretion.

The Library Director, or a designated person, will close the Library when conditions are such that remaining open can be harmful to the staff and/or the patrons, for example due to inclement weather or natural disaster. The staff will be dismissed at the discretion of the Library Director.

Employees are expected to report to work when they are scheduled, but late arrival or an excused absence is preferred to taking an unnecessary risk. When scheduled time is not worked because of closure, or missed because of difficult conditions, it may be made up as arranged with the Director according to the needs of the Library.

The Library provides Workers’ Compensation protection for all employees for on-the-job injuries as required by law. Employees must report any work-related injury to the Director promptly to ensure coverage.

Employees are eligible to receive reimbursement for pre-approved business expenses, including mileage, upon receipt of an itemized account of such expenditures. Mileage estimates will be based on an online mapping service. Mileage and other travel rates will be based on standard IRS rates.

Home telephone numbers and/or addresses of Trustees and employees are confidential and may not be given to anyone without permission. If asked for this information, the staff member or volunteer may offer to contact the person and ask them to return the call. Mail for Trustees should be sent to the Library.  

When employee performance or behavior falls short of the standards and expectations of the Library, efforts will be made to help the employee meet expectations through informal discussion and/or further training. When this fails, or depending upon the seriousness of the situation, and the person’s employment history with the Library, disciplinary actions may be taken ranging from formal discussion with the employee to immediate discharge.

Reasons for disciplinary action include but are not limited to the following:

  • Failure to perform the duties of the position in a satisfactory manner.
  • Failure to comply with Library policies and procedures.
  • Behavior which jeopardizes the safety of the staff or public.
  • Being discourteous to the public.
  • Failure to work harmoniously with other employees.
  • Unauthorized release of confidential information.
  • Falsification of Library records.
  • Inappropriate use of official position in the judgment of the Director and/or the Board of Trustees.
  • Unauthorized removal, destruction or negligent use of Library property.

Behaviors involving verbal abuse, violence, threatening behaviors, sexual harassment, vandalism, illegal drug sale or use or attempted illegal drug sale or use, intoxication, theft or attempted theft, physical harassment, sexual misconduct or any behavior that threatens the safety and security of library personnel and/or patrons shall be handled as follows. The police will be called immediately if the conduct constitutes a violation of local, state, or federal law. Arrest or criminal prosecution may ensue. Behaviors of this nature will result in an immediate minimum two-week suspension of access to Library property in order to give the Library sufficient time to investigate the incident. If the investigation by the Library Director and/or the Board of Trustees and/or the police results in a finding of guilt, the library personnel involved will be dismissed permanently from their Library duties. 

The Library recognizes the importance of good communication to relationships between employees and supervisors. Employees should feel free to ask questions and offer their ideas and suggestions. Job or library-related problems should be discussed with the Director at any time. The Director may discuss such problems with the Trustees.

Problems about general concerns or policy interpretation can usually be resolved through discussion with the Library Director, in writing if that would be more comfortable than a personal interview. The Director may discuss problems with the Trustees and may also seek problem resolution in writing if desired.

A problem concerning personnel policies and procedures which cannot be resolved as suggested above may be appealed in writing to the Library Board President within a week of discussion with the Library Director. At its next regular meeting, the Library Board will decide on the matter and respond to the employee within one (1) week of the meeting.

The Library welcomes volunteers from the community to assist with the operation of the Library. Volunteers are meant to supplement and not supplant staff.

Volunteers are recognized by the public as representatives of the Library and shall be guided by the same work and behavior code as employees. Volunteers must act in accordance with Library policy and standards.

The volunteer will be given training as needed, and the opportunity to become familiar with the Library’s mission, services and policies. The Library Director or designated employee will assign and schedule volunteers to suitable tasks and make necessary training and information available. 

Volunteers are only eligible to receive reimbursement for business expenses pre-approved by the Director or designated employee and upon receipt of an itemized account of such expenditures.

While assisting at the Library, volunteers are covered under the Library’s general liability insurance policy.

The minimum age of volunteers will be 14 years of age.

As stated in the Selection and Hiring Section of this policy, volunteers will be required to participate in a professional, certified background check.

Volunteers are to be formally recognized on an annual basis.